Common Reasons That Concrete Requires Repair
Concrete is widely used for everything from foundations to bridges. Water tanks, buildings, and even dams can be made with concrete. It’s a strong, durable, and well understood material. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to last forever without a bit of attention and sometimes repair. Here are some of the most common reasons that concrete requires repair.
Rebar Corrosion
Concrete is often reinforced with steel rebar. The rebar is meant to help keep the concrete from crumbling. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the real problem. If rebar is exposed to excess carbon dioxide or chlorides, it will begin to corrode, causing the concrete around it to crumble, too. Rust can burst concrete.
Alkali-Silika Reactions (ASR)
This is a huge problem for some concrete structures that were built before the reaction was well understood. ASR is a reaction within the concrete due to the chemical make-up of concrete. Alkaline cement will react with water, form a gel, and then cause cracks in the concrete.
Water will wear away at concrete over time, which is commonly seen in tunnels.
Freeze-Thaw Deterioration
If air-entrapment isn’t sufficient, the concrete can become saturated with water, which then expands when it freezes. It then breaks down into its component parts: sand and aggregate.
Repair is Possible
Fortunately, it is possible to repair concrete that is showing signs of any of these problems. Depending on the severity, large portions of the structure may need to be re-built. But with the right concrete repair team, you can often avoid a complete tear down. Most importantly, the cause of the deterioration should be identified so that the concrete repairs last and the problem doesn’t reoccur.
Concrete Restoration
While concrete may seem solid and permanent, time and wear will start to show on any concrete structure or building. Especially in parking garages, where the weight and movement of vehicles can put a lot of pressure on the structure, it’s critical to watch for signs of degradation and to have repairs completed in a timely manner.
Reasons for Concrete Restoration
Some of the most likely reasons that concrete needs to be restored have to do with water. Water often causes concrete to slowly wear away, and restoration can be conducted to reverse the effect. Freeze-thaw deterioration is caused when water gets into cracks, freezes, and then thaws and melts away, leaving air bubbles and expanded cracks in the concrete. This can also cause the concrete to break down. And the alkali-silika reaction (ASR) prevalent in older concrete structures can also break down the concrete, possibly requiring a complete re-build.
Another common problem is rebar corrosion, as rebar can rust and damage the structure of the concrete.
What to Look For
If you’re not sure if a concrete structure needs to be restored, consider a few things. When was the original concrete poured? Does it contain rebar? And are there visible signs of problems, such as cracks, chipping, staining, or holes?
What to Do
Ensuring that the concrete will remain safe and strong for years to come is going to take concrete restoration. And with large concrete structures, you’re better off safe than sorry. Ask us to take a look at the structure to see if wear and tear are posing a problem. If the structure requires concrete restoration, We will know how to take care of it.
We understand the importance of picking the right company that’s experienced, dependable and affordable. With this service and our many others, we have the tools and experience to get the job done with the highest standards and at the best price. Let us know how we can help with your needs.